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Friday, October 14, 2005

Readers Become the Reporters

The Future is Now at The State in South Carolina

Former News-Sentinel Executive Editor Lou Heldman has been appointed as the publisher at Knight-Ridder's flagship in South Carolina. What he will find there when he takes over January 1st is TheColumbiaRecord.com - a site that bestows "Knighthood" on blogging readers. Readers aren't just readers; they are the reporters too. This from the press release of the company supplying the technology to Knight-Ridder.

Related: Heldman gets new post.
State Columnist C. Grant Jackson blogs about Heldman
State Columnist Brad Warthen blogs about Heldman

Ed. note: I was pleased to see that one of the "beKnighted" columnist/bloggers at TheColumbiaRecord.com is ultramarathon runner Ray Krolewicz. I've read Ray K's posting to a running ListServ for years. Ray also writes a column for The Running Journal, a sports publication which covers running in the South.

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