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Thursday, February 02, 2006

"I couldn't find it at Borders."

Beth Redden had a letter regarding the Jeff Fraser discipline matter published in tonight's News-Sentinel editorial page. She states that she would be "happy" to pay the $10 cover price of Carroll (The Book). Of course, the $10 marked price was as much a parody as the whole work.

Ms. Redden said she was in high school at the time of transtion from eight-track tape to audio cassettes. The audio cassette may have marked the end of her technological advancement as she apparently has not yet been introduced to the internet. As Indiana Parley readers know, claimed versions of the book have been posted at internet sites here and here.

Sharp guy like Fraser would benefit school

I’ve been following with interest the story of Carroll High School student Jeff Fraser’s missive, “Carroll: The Book,” and the varied reactions to it. Before making any comments on it, I’d really like to read it. Jeff, I’d be more than happy to pay the $10 cover price. I’ve paid more for longer and worse books. I know I’m not the only one, either. Find some way to get this opus out to the public. Those $10.60 checks will help pay your parents’ lawyer bills and replenish your college fund.

I was a high school journalist when people were switching from eight-tracks to cassettes. I’m no lawyer or a Supreme Court justice, but I can tell you from experience and observation that First Amendment standards are not applied to high school publications of any variety. Whether they should be is a question for another day. As the mom of a preteen who might grow up and pull a similar stunt, I feel sympathy for Fraser’s parents. I hope they can resolve this without having to mortgage their house for the legal fees. Carroll made it abundantly clear that his presence was unwelcome, but I believe Fort Wayne Community Schools would have found him to be an asset to their student body and would have been lucky to count his bright, questioning and irreverent viewpoints among their community.

Beth Redden

More: JG letter writer takes a dim view of Frank Gray column on Carroll (The Book).
More: Another site posts a version of Carroll (The Book) here.

on the subject of Borders, I see that you have "The Indiana Way" in the column of Amazon books on the right-hand column. Good taste, Mitch - It's an excellent and surprisingly even-handed review of Indiana history.

Can we stop talking about that stupid Carroll book yet? The kid cut his deal - it's old news.
All of the books are on the list for subject matter. Some, though, have the added quality of being written by folks with whom I've been acquainted.

Dr. James Madison was my professor for Indiana history at Indiana University. He is the former editor of The Indiana Magazine of History. A great intellect and a nice guy.

I'll have more of a comment on the book selections later. The list is probably a bit too long; I will probably be paring it down. However, it would be my intent to "rotate the stock" on a regular basis.

The book selections can be seen as part of the "recommended reading list" for this semester at Indiana Parley University.

As for Carroll (The Book) - know that we will be moving on to other topics but that links to other content about the matter will continue to be provided.

I understand that IP may have seemed to be on overload on this topic. However, one reason is that time constraints meant that some other topic ideas were submerged during the Carroll discussion.

This isn't unlike newspaper stories which get submerged when a dominant news story limits the 'news hole.'

There was a good example of that phenomenon this week. Coretta Scott King's death, Sam Alito's confirmation, Alan Greenspan's last day and the State of the Union all converged on one day.

By the way - people below the age of majority don't have the legal capacity to "cut deals." The parent(s) or legal guardian do.
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