Monday, February 13, 2006
Pond and Worman to Battle in Primary

Denny Worman filed last week with the Indiana Secretary of State to run against long-time State Representative Phyllis Pond of New Haven in the Republican primary.
Mr. Worman is the son of Richard and Marna Jo Worman of Leo. Dick Worman is a former state senator and state representative. Marna Jo Worman also served as a state representative in the 1970's. Denny Worman has run for the legislature before. Most recently he ran in the Republican caucus to succeed the late State Senator and former Sheriff Charles "Bud" Meeks.
State Representative Pond, who has served continuously since first being elected in 1978, has given some indication that she may be considering voluntary retirement from the state legislature after serving one or two more terms. Given the strong probability that Rep. Pond will be re-elected in 2006, it is doubtful that this primary run will be a positive for Mr. Worman if he runs to succeed Rep. Pond upon her retirement in a few years.
Many observers will be interested to see if there is fall-out relating to the East Allen County Schools Board. Mr. Worman's sister, Terry Jo Lightfoot, is an elected school board member currently serving as the boad president in EACS. Fissures among the school board members have been exposed recently during the hiring controversy surrounding new EACS superintendent, Dr. Kay Novotny.