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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Souder's Office Puts IP/FWOb on the Media List

Last week, IP urged elected officials, candidates and others to send press releases to the new media of weblogs as well as to old media outlets. The times have changed. The media landscape has changed.

It is time for those seeking dissemination of their news or their viewpoints to adapt to the changed landscape.

In particular, we were asking that the Fort Wayne Observed/Indiana Parley family of weblogs be placed on the contact list.

IP doesn't know whether our notice of receipt of a media release from William Larsen, candidate for the Republican nomination for the Unites States House of Representatives from Indiana's 3rd District, or the fact that Fort Wayne Observed original reporting was cited by national media like the Rocky Mountain News made a difference.

However, we are pleased to report that U.S. Representative Mark Souder's media office sent IP a release yesterday regarding the Congressman's co-sponsorship of House Bill 4777, a bill to ban offshore internet gambling.

The release was printed in full at Fort Wayne Insight.

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