Saturday, February 25, 2006
State Senator Dennis Kruse

State Senator Dennis Kruse gives his views on the Allen County Republican Convention and the 2005 session of the Indiana General Assembly.
(The Kruse audio post was slightly truncated due to time limitations.)
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I think your polls are biased on purpose. You have them all in alphabetical order except for sheriff. Foster comes before Fries.
It must be some conspiracy on your part.
It must be some conspiracy on your part.
Thank you for the comment and for catching that error.
No conspiracy here - just a tired editor filling in the blanks at a late hour.
We will try to get into the code for the poll and change the order of candidates to reflect the right alphabetical order. That may or may not be possible given the limitations of the technology.
In that event, we will either make the decision to construct a new poll for the Sheriff's race or to leave as is. If the results recorded to date can be transferred to the changed poll we will do so.
We will report back to you on that decision in this comment stream.
Again, thanks for your alertness.
No conspiracy here - just a tired editor filling in the blanks at a late hour.
We will try to get into the code for the poll and change the order of candidates to reflect the right alphabetical order. That may or may not be possible given the limitations of the technology.
In that event, we will either make the decision to construct a new poll for the Sheriff's race or to leave as is. If the results recorded to date can be transferred to the changed poll we will do so.
We will report back to you on that decision in this comment stream.
Again, thanks for your alertness.
Editor's Note (February 25, 6:55 PM): An alert reader of Indiana Parley pointed out an error in the alphabetical listing of candidates for the office of Sheriff. A new poll has been posted with the names in proper alphabetical order. However, the staff of Fort Wayne Observed and Indiana Parley were unable to transfer the votes already cast for Sheriff to the new poll.
At the conclusion of the poll on March 7, the results in the Sheriff's poll to the time of the correction (approximately 6:50 PM on February 25) will be added to the results of the currently posted Sheriff's poll. We regret any confusion due to this correction. We appreciate the reader for bringing the error to our attention. We actively encourage readers to email us regarding any typographical or other errors.
The results as of the time of the correction were: Foster (8); Fries (27); Griffith (9); Keesler (7).
At the conclusion of the poll on March 7, the results in the Sheriff's poll to the time of the correction (approximately 6:50 PM on February 25) will be added to the results of the currently posted Sheriff's poll. We regret any confusion due to this correction. We appreciate the reader for bringing the error to our attention. We actively encourage readers to email us regarding any typographical or other errors.
The results as of the time of the correction were: Foster (8); Fries (27); Griffith (9); Keesler (7).
I thought it was interesting that during the Q&A period at the Allen County Republican Convention, the other candidates opted to allow Fries to speak first each time, though the opportunity was there equally for all. It then led to the other candidates merely reiterating what had already been said by Fries, changing the numbers to reflect the individual years of service.
I don't like Foster's tact -bordering on deceitful- when addressing the group at the convention and (I can only assume) when addressing other groups. If I didn't know better, I would think he was a regular county officer for the past umpteen years. Seems the "reserve" part was kind of gulped away once at the beginning, never to be mentioned again. Never was the fact that his full-time work, his CAREER has been with a delivery company. Be proud of who and what you are and lay all the cards on the table or end up looking like you're trying to hide something, Mr Foster.
Ken Fries has had the picture of being sheriff of this county since day one of his career, 24 years.
Sounds like someone doesn't know much about Mike Foster or is afraid of him. He made no attempt to cover his service in his intro and if you spend five minutes with the guy (whether you like him as your Sheriff nominee or not), you know that at his core he one of the most genuine guys you'll ever meet.
For future reference, if you're going to make a personal attack, maybe you should consider doing it without the shade of anonymity. It gives the readers on the blog an opportunity to assess your credibility as well and the person you are accusing a way to discuss it with you - assuming you're open to that and not just spreadin' the hate.
For future reference, if you're going to make a personal attack, maybe you should consider doing it without the shade of anonymity. It gives the readers on the blog an opportunity to assess your credibility as well and the person you are accusing a way to discuss it with you - assuming you're open to that and not just spreadin' the hate.
Have known and liked Mike Foster for years; however if you review his speech you will find only one mention of being in the Reserves. This is a great program, but not on the level of being an actual career law enforcement officer. The fact many people have verbalized their surprise that he is not actually a full-time officer contributed to the previous comments. Mike IS nice and genuine, but that isn't enough to make one qualified.
some people use "anonymous" simply because they worry that the unstable among society will find reason to prey upon them should their true identity be released. Note please that the plea for stepping out from behind the cloak of anonymity came as an anonymous request.
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