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Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Straw Poll

Indiana Parley has teamed with Fort Wayne Observed to bring you a straw poll on the top contested Allen County races in the May Republican primary.

There may not be a straw poll at the County Republican Convention this weekend - but you will find one here.

Just go to the right side of the screen and cast your votes for the two county commissioner spots and the Sheriff's office. Allen County residents can cast votes both commissioner seats. While candidates must live in a specific district, the elections are county-wide.

You may vote once every 24 hours. The same poll is listed at FortWayneObserved.com. Results shown are an aggregate of votes cast at both IP and FWOb.

As with any of these online polls, this poll is not scientific and should not be relied on to purchase stocks or diagnose medical conditions. After voting, please use caution operating heavy machinery.

Editor's Note (February 25, 6:55 PM): An alert reader of Indiana Parley pointed out an error in the alphabetical listing of candidates for the office of Sheriff. A new poll has been posted with the names in proper alphabetical order. However, the staff of Fort Wayne Observed and Indiana Parley were unable to transfer the votes already cast for Sheriff to the new poll.

At the conclusion of the poll on March 7, the results in the Sheriff's poll to the time of the correction (approximately 6:50 PM on February 25) will be added to the results of the currently posted Sheriff's poll. We regret any confusion due to this correction. We appreciate the reader for bringing the error to our attention. We actively encourage readers to email us regarding any typographical or other errors.

The results as of the time of the correction were: Foster (8); Fries (27); Griffith (9); Keesler (7).

I thought there was going to be a straw pole at The Convention.

I think is is a GREAT idea to have a straw pole of your active members!
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